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Local Plumbing Inspector (LPI)

Local Plumbing Inspector (LPI)


Phil Stevens, Local Plumbing Inspector

Phone: (774)-276-0854



A plumbing permit is required for work done on internal plumbing/piping and subsurface wastewater disposal systems, except as follows,

A permit is not required for:

  • *Minor plumbing work that is performed in compliance with state laws and rules if that plumbing work or is done inside the structure of a private residence by the owner of that residence, and
  • Installation of domestic heating appliances by licensed master oil and solid fuel burning technicians.
  • When in doubt about whether a permit is required or not, call the LPI

What does the Local Plumbing Inspector Do:

  • Respond to questions posed by citizens regarding internal plumbing and subsurface waste water disposal systems
  • Investigate complaints of alleged violations relating to plumbing or subsurface waste water disposal and take appropriate action as specified by the Department of Health and Human Services by rule in the Department’s Enforcement manual for subsurface waste water disposal and plumbing rules
  • Issue plumbing permits for *most work done on internal plumbing and subsurface waste water disposal systems
  • Condemn and reject all work done or being done, or material used or being used, which does not comply with state rules, and order changes necessary to obtain compliance
  • Issue a certificate of approval, when requested, for any work that the inspector has approved
  • Keep an accurate account of all fees collected and transfer those fees to the municipal treasurer
  • Keep a complete record of all essential transactions (permits, photos, etc.) at the Town Office

Plumbing Permit Application(s)

*Most applications for permits are provided by a “Maine Licensed Site Evaluator” or “General Site Contractor” (for subsurface waste water disposal systems using a HHE-200 form) or a “Licensed Plumber” (for internal plumbing using a HHE-211 form).  However, a septic tank replacement or a damaged/rotted drain line requires that the application be issued by the LPI; and for internal plumbing work, *other than minor by the owner, the application should be issued by the LPI or a licensed plumber.