Library Voucher Program
The Town of Bradley provides a free voucher for membership to the Old Town Library. Each year the Town Council will appropriate funds to provide the vouchers, unfortunately when and if those funds are used the program will be delayed until the next fiscal year. The Town of Bradley hopes to provide Bradley residents, who want assistance, with a membership. Students who attend Old Town schools receive a free individual membership. Vouchers are available at the municipal building during regular business hours. Proof of residency will be required.
The Old Town Libary membership costs $40.00 per year and includes the entire household. Beyond the library experience, the Old Town Library offers a wide range of services, benefits, and programs: we encourage you to check out their website for additional information.
The Town Council also accepts monetary donations if members of the public would like to increase the funds available for the voucher program. Checks payable to the Town of Bradley may be mailed to Town of Bradley PO Box 517 Bradley ME 04411. Those who wish to donate in person may visit the municipal building at 165B Main Street Bradley ME 04411 during normal business hours.